Beautiful white teeth

We make dreams of beautiful white and fantastic teeth come true.
Do you want to change their shape? Would you like a different colour? All this is possible. If you are terrified by the vision of whitening and you want your teeth to be perfect and pearl-white, visit us.
Veneers are thin ceramic shells that are glued on the patient's own teeth. Veneers allow you to hide colour imperfections and correct the shape of your teeth.
The dentist delicately prepares the front part of the tooth. Then, an impression is taken and delivered to our laboratory. Using CAD/CAM technology, we design the restoration as well as scan and mill the thin shells, on which we individually fire ceramics according to a selected colour key. Most often, we deal with teeth whitening.


You too can enjoy a Hollywood smile almost overnight

Thanks to veneers you will:

  • whiten your teeth
  • give your teeth a new shape
  • get rid of diastema (gaps between teeth)
  • reconstruct teeth and correct fractures or cracks

Porcelain veneers are an optimal aesthetic solution as they do not discolour teeth and are easy to care for.
The procedure of placing veneers is completely safe.